We, in the Kiran Foundation are passionate about education and we believe that the development of countries starts with education and not with providing materials. A closely collaborating organization in the Netherlands and Nepal has developed a unique way of achieving it’s goals.


Kiran Foundation allocates 100% of all contributions directly to the education of the poor children in Nepal. The foundation is completely run by volunteers in the Netherlands.


Kiran Foundation has a very strong bond between Netherlands and Nepal. We have very professional and committed staff. We have close connections with the Mother Groups, parents and school staff in Mauja, Yampa Phant and Arun Khola. This strong collaboration is based on regular communication, full transparency and commitment to give the best educational support for the children.


The Kiran Foundation provides support in the form of scholarships which students have to pay back like micro-credit (0% interest). Contracts are signed with their parents / family members. Parents / family contribute a minimal fee (>500 roepies) per month to the education. The money that flows back into the Kiran Foundation is used to provide new scholarships. Our long term goal is to make the foundation self-sustainable in Nepal.